Federico Spandonaro

  • born in Roma (Italy) on 1959 July 7th
  • married, one son

Contact Information

  • URL: www.fspandonaro.it
  • C.R.E.A. Sanità (Centre for Health Economics Applied Research)
    • Piazza A. Mancini, 4 – int. G11 – 00196 Roma (Italia)
    • Phon.: +39(0)6-45503020
    • Fax: +39(0)6-233245536
    • e-mail: f.spandonaro@creasanita.it
  • Università Telematica San Raffaele Roma – Department of Human Sciences and Promotion of the Quality of Life
    • Via Columbia, 2 – 00133 Roma
    • Tel.: +39(0)6-72595643
    • Fax: +39(0)6-233248756
    • e-mail: federico.spandonaro@uniroma2.it



Scientific Membership

  • AIES (Italian Ass. of Health Economics)
  • AMASES (Applied Mathematics Ass. for Economic and Social Studies)
  • IHEA (International Health Economic Association)


Scientific Reasearch

  • Scientific Coordinator for many research project on behalf of national and international bodies (AgeNaS, CNR, MIUR, EU-CEE, Min. Funz. Pubblica, etc.); recent topics: “Public-Private relationship and accreditation evolution in a federalistic environment”, “Regional and cross-border patients mobility and its economic regulation in the perspective of the new EU directive”, “New funding and control rules for medical devices” on behalf of Ministry of Health e “Cost-Effectiveness assessment of national neonatal audiological screening” on behalf of AgeNaS ).
  • More details on Research


  • Institutional activity: courses on “Health Economics”, “Economics of Public HEalth Services”, “Economic Health Policies and and Assessment Models”
  • Educational training (graduate and post graduate) on behalf of many Italian and foreign University, Ministry of Health, High Health Institute, National School of Public Administration, Regions, Local Health Authorities and Hospital, Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Companies, Scientific Medical Association; main topics: Health Economics and Management, Pharmacoeconomics, HTA, Financial Models and Evaluation Technics for Social Security Schemes.
  • More details on Teaching

Previous Professional Experiences

  • Assessment of previdential funds of various Banks (1989-1993)
  • Coordinator of the Health Sector Research Dept. of ISIS S.p.a. (1989-1991)
  • Research activities for AREA coop. on the Management Control approach to Public Administrations (1989)
  • Research activities (on education) for CENSIS Foundation (1986-1987)
  • Research activities and didactics at the Univ. LUISS G.Carli (1984-1989)
  • Econometrics research at ISEL (Inst. for Labour Economics), supervisor Prof. E. Tarantelli , Prof. L. Frey and Prof. S. Vinci (1984-1987)
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